Hillary shadow president
Hillary shadow president

hillary shadow president

Kazakhstan Intel Chief Arrested + Ukrainian Ex-Prez On The Run – Both Connect To BIDEN CRIME FAMILY.Į.Pinetta also worked at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and managed Bill’s personal image and communication program. John Pinetta resigned as Communications Head of Facebook Meta.He was one of the main people behind the introduction of vaccine passports in the EU. President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, died at the age of 65 from “immune system dysfunction,” probably caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.Other times influential people resigned from their post, and then disappeared. Many times these sentences for the Global and Political Elites were carried out and then reported as Covid deaths. Mass Arrests: The Alliance reported that when found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, Deep State criminals faced the death penalty. was Zero Day for Mass Cyber Attacks that would shut everything down, resulting in Internet Cables being cut, a Social Media Blackout and activation of the Emergency Broadcast System with a new news website and video stream platform. large groups out West would be aggregating Zim, while CMKX and Prosperity Package would begin deliveries.Īccording to Whiplash347 Fri. The new gold-backed US Notes have been sitting in the banks for weeks, ready to be used.Ĭ. When you set your appointment you would be working with a specific person at the Redemption Center.

hillary shadow president

There would be two 800 numbers, one for the Zim Holders, the other for the Currency Holders. Tier 4B would be notified by email from Wells Fargo and depending on the Time Zone. Tier 4B could be notified sometime between Wed. That could happen tomorrow in Zurich on Wed. Iraq would announce the new rate on their Dinar.īond Holders would receive emails that said they had access to monies in their accounts and Super Whale Bond Holders in Zurich would have liquidity to their funds at the same time. and Zim Holders could start redemptions on Mon. as expected, though told their people they would have spendable monies based on the new Dinar rate by Sat. was bankrupt.įleming also said that Iraq did not announce their new Dinar Rates on Sun. The Chinese Communist Party was bankrupt, the same as the US Inc. 2022 the Jumbotrons in Town Squares throughout Iraq announced to the People that their Dinar currency would have a new International Rate by Wed. The works were connected.Īccording to Fleming on Tuesday 11 Jan. XI was getting ready to pull the switch on the Chinese Communist Party Putin was getting rid of all Kazarian/ Rothschild influence in banks in his country Trump’s US Military was getting ready for 11.3 Germany, the UK and Canada were inside their own Continuity of Government Plans and many heads of nations were inside a silent Military Operation. That would make him the oldest president in history.In the end, the Deep State in all countries would be arrested. If she was to run for president, it would also mean President Joe Biden could be replaced by the party.īiden would be 81 when he is sworn in for a second term, if he ran again in 2024 and was successful. The prediction comes after Clinton has given a number of interviews recently, sparking rumors she could be plotting a comeback. Schoen and Andrew Stein wrote in the Wall Street Journal. Clinton will begin shortly after the midterms to position herself as an experienced candidate capable of leading Democrats on a new and more successful path," Douglas E. "Given the likelihood that Democrats will lose control of Congress in 2022, we can anticipate that Mrs. HILLARY Clinton could be in position to make a dramatic comeback and run for president again in 2024.Ĭlinton would be the ideal choice to 'best option' to lead Democrats in the next presidential election in 2024, where she would potentially face off against Donald Trump for a second time, according to two top party operatives.

Hillary shadow president